On the Ordnance survey map, this area is named Monte Civitella, after the high ground. It is spectacular. One walks through the abandoned village of Marzano, which is very atmospheric with a 10th century look out tower. A little further on from the abandoned village you can look down the entire length of the valley. The walk loops around and down taking a few hours to complete. Alternatively, you can take your car up to Monte Civitella and then walk a very enjoyable and not too long circular walk ending up back at your car.


A Local ‘Circular’ Walk

First, walk down the drive and turn left at the bottom up hill. Walk up hill for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how fast you walk. On the brow of the hill, turn left, hair pinning back on yourself and carry on along a tarmac road along a ridge, with beautiful view on either side into each valley. To your right the villages of Lippiano, Monterchi ,Citerna and Anghiari jewel the landscape. To your left is the small valley of La Buia, with Monte Santa Maria Tiberina away to your far left.

Monte Civitella

You will pass the odd house but it isn’t until you reach the end of this road after a farm and some yapping little dogs, that you turn left (in front of you is a track that goes up into the woods, a much longer walk ending up in the chestnut groves) and carry on down keeping left on the main track, which has turned into a rough surface ‘white road’ and which will bring you right into the village of Prato.

The view from Marzano
The view from Marzano

Continue on, now tarmac again, past the Circolo community bar, and bear left and left again by the church. Now you will be on the lower road that leads to the cross roads below La Buia. Once you get to the cross roads, turn left up hill, round a hairpin bend to our turning on the left opposite a refuse bin.

This walk will take you 1 hour to 1 ½ hours at a reasonably good pace.

A walking map of the area supplied.